Board Member Profiles

Donna Clavaud, TVCSD Board President, Financial Advisory Committee Member

Donna has lived in Tomales for 26 years and was recently elected as the Board President after serving on FAC for four years. She is retired from a career in non-profit development and management, where she served the Kashaya Pomo, CA farmworkers, SE Asian refugees, Peace Corps Volunteers, disabled workers, and those experiencing homelessness. As a local fundraiser, she has raised monies to maintain and purchase Tomales Community Park, the Tomales water tank and hydrant expansion, and The Annual Tomales Farm & Flea Market THS Scholarship Fund. Over the years, she has raised over $ 2M for Bay Area community programs and projects. She has been a key leader in the impetus for the Dillon Beach Community Plan and the 1997 Tomales Community Plan. In 1987 she co-wrote a study called “Living and Working in West Marin”, which looked at the state of the economy and jobs in 14 unincorporated villages. She is hoping to contribute to the development of the TVCSD Policy Manual, a 5-year and a 10-year financial and strategic plan; and efforts to increase transparency and participation by and for community residents, ratepayers and all stakeholders. She lives with her partner Marc and their grown daughter Kelly, and can either be found cooking and baking or in their vegetable garden with home-raised bees buzzing all around.

Bill Bonini, TVCSD Board Vice President

Bill is a third-generation native son of Tomales and has lived here most of his life. The William Tell Tavern was owned by his family for generations until its sale in the early 1990’s. Bill is a licensed building contractor and owns a home he built himself and his family owns numerous other residential and commercial properties in the village. He has a keen head for business and joined the TVCSD Board two years ago because he cares about Tomales and because he feels he can make a difference in getting the work done to run the district efficiently. He has served as President for the past 2 years and was just re-elected for 2 more years. In his spare time, he is usually working, although he is never too busy to stop and chat with neighbors and friends alike, and is known for his magnanimous character and his dedication to Tomales.

Dru Fallon O’Neill, TVCSD Board Member and Park Advisory Committee Chair

Dru has lived in Tomales for the past 11 years and since 1997 has worked for the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District as a Dispatcher. She has been involved with Founder’s Day since 2005, helping arrange, organize and announce the parade. Her husband Bob spends most of his time in Amador County, where they have an antiques business in Sutter Creek. Dru is no stranger to small town life. She has brought hometown values with her to Tomales, from growing up in the scenic CA foothills of Sutter Creek, known as the jewel of the Motherlode. Her dad served on the city council when the town was addressing and improving their sewer system during the late 60’s and early 70’s. She learned that the symbiosis of responsible governing within a small town is to balance fiscal duties, to preserve the present with an eye to the future, and to communicate and define goals in partnership with the community. Her goal for working on the TVCSD Board is to continue the quality service that people before her have worked for and provided, while keeping value and costs under control.

John Ward, TVCSD Board Member and Financial Advisory Committee Member

Tomales resident John Ward was appointed to the TVCSD in March 2021 to fill a seat vacated by Deborah Parrish. The appointment is for two years. John bought property in Tomales in 1988 and in 1992 completed a home at the end of Second Street. At that time he was employed as a carpenter at Pt. Reyes National Seashore. At the end of 2000, he left the Park Service and began a 20-year stint working in Viet Nam for small non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In 2019 he retired and returned home. He and his wife Loan now live in Tomales full time. TVCSD welcomes John to the Board.

Tomales TVCSD Board of Directors Membership and expiration dates

Donna Clavaud, President 12/25
Bill Bonini, Vice President 12/26
Dru Fallon 12/26
John Ward 12/26
David Kitts, M.D. 12/25


General Manager
Mary Halley

Plant Operators
Natural Systems Utilities

Financial Manager
Bonnie MacLaird

Recording Secretary & Website
Cynthia Hammond